Miracles News

January-March, 2025

Do I Belong?

by Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

What if the things that we thought made us strange, different, outcasts or “weird,” were really the things that make us fascinatingly beautiful and incredible? The things that give us our wings, allowing us to soar to new levels ­— a celestial, Heavenly level where there is only good, only mercy, only truth; an infinite creation of Love; an infinite field of beauty beyond time and space, where there is no guilt, no pain, no turmoil, only radical, unending, soul-penetrating, Love.

A fiery adoration of our own divine muse, moving us to a higher dimension of infinite possibility and wisdom. A land where nothing is impossible. Where no good thing is withheld. Where complete fulfillment is not only possible but an inevitability. A natural result of developing and using our God-given gifts and talents in the most useful and loving way, to serve the highest good. Here happiness is not just a choice but a given, as natural and as ‘right’ as breathing.

Here in this place I am intoxicated by a Love so profound and vast, marveling at Its splendor, I am moved to tears. The water shed alchemizing my very soul, transforming me yet again, renewing and refreshing my Spirit; like always, as many times as necessary, healing and uncovering what temporarily became hidden by the muck and grime of the passing earthly love pollution.

These tears make all things new. They wash me clean of the residue. Nothing can deter God’s almighty love that He made to shine through me. Nothing can alter my DNA — my Divine Natural Ability — to be the Love that I am. “In love was I created, and in love will I remain forever.”  (W-268.1:5) 

Here now, I feel Heaven’s glow upon my face; the angel’s kiss upon my cheek; His anointing of oil on my head, coating every crevice of my being. His touch of favor carved into my hand, given me to extend it outward to every brother. To shine it into every mind that connects to meet mine. To co-create peace with me, in me and through me. The light of God captivating and showcasing our true and eternal formless essence. Helping us to remember that we are more than our bodies. We are spirit and we are one.

This angelic, heavenly dance lets time disappear. All the world stands still to watch the whole kingdom intertwine in this display of the divine. We are now light and free. Transformed once again, through our unity.

Now I see, all that’s been shown to me. There is indeed, nothing ‘wrong’ or out of tune, with who God made me to be. My Spirit shining and strong, it was perfect all along. Beautiful, natural and free. All of me. Displayed to see.

Every intricate detail that makes you, “you,” is part of the make up of your unique inner being. You are the handwriting of God. Your soul the fabric of His love. Your individual expression was formed, decided and ordained by Him. “My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.” (W-268.1:5). Who are we to think we know better?

Let us embrace every part of who we are. The parts that seem so spectacular and even those we feel need work, because seen truly they are all miraculous. They all offer their own gifts. Formulated as part of our “highly individualized curriculum.” Our path that He’s carefully crafted for us. A very particular set of stones laid out for us on which to step. Let us “follow in the way that he has appointed.” (W-317), “Stepping back and letting Him lead the way.” (W-317). Knowing and trusting that His ways lead to the highest and grandest vistas that hold a beauty only He could fashion. Reserved and held in trust for us when we are brave enough, to follow the call and to do His will.

Let us rise up strong and rejoice in confidence and gladness at the way He has formed us. Knowing that it’s all part of the divine plan. We can relax into who we are, knowing God approves. We are, after all, His creation. An extension of His heart. Let us be content with who we are and content in where He takes us. “I am content to be where He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.” (T-2.V-A.18.5)

All is in order. All is well.

The paths are many, but the direction is the same. The One Holy directional sign emblazoned with the word, “truth.” Shining unequivocally, dazzling in light. Pointing out the way, to lead us home together, in Love.

Through this vision that He sent me, now I am able to see. And now I can hear His message too… “Go in peace, beloved. You are mine. You are Safe. And you most certainly belong.”

Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Metuchen, New Jersey. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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