Miracles News

January-April, 2024

Holy Spirit, Knock My Socks Off!

by Ninette Terhart, Student of ACIM, Reiki Master, E.F.R. Practitioner

When I first began studying A Course in Miracles seven years ago, every time I looked at that 2000+ page book, or even thought about it, huge conflicting energy waves of wonder and dread would pass through my mind. I’ve always had the mindset that if I felt resistance towards something, it was probably the road I needed to embark on! To me, it kinda felt like a second bible but way hipper! 

The first time I heard David Hoffmeister say, “Holy Spirit, Knock my socks off!” I thought, “What does that mean?” I was so intrigued by the idea of asking Holy Spirit for anything, let alone to Knock My Socks Off! And, to be honest, it scared me! Well, clearly my intrigue caused enough momentum to usher an experience that changed my life and relationship with Holy Spirit forever. 

At this time, I had been living in this very quiet and cozy community for about two years, where I pretty much knew everybody! I was singing (and still do) every Thursday evening at a Sushi restaurant located inside the community. One day, I was walking our German Sheppard back from the park and, as I was about to cross the street corner, a car frantically pulled up beside me. As I glanced over to see who it was, expecting it to be somebody I was familiar with and most likely would exchange pleasantries, the passenger window slid down revealing this very gruff and disheveled appearance of a man I had never seen before. He reminded me of Beatle Juice. A lot! (And definitely resembled some of my father’s vibe as well.)

He began to ask me in his raspy, New York accent, “Hey, you are that singer that performs on Thursday nights, right?” Before he could even finish his question, it was like everything went into sloooow moootion…. My mind was instantly hijacked with all these nasty and negative thoughts and judgments about this human being. Honestly, it was like a siren blaring loudly in my ears — the only thing I could think of was, yuck! 

The energy I was witnessing from this person felt so heavy and gross! I couldn’t get away fast enough. He continued talking about his studio in his house and how he would like to hire me to sing on his record. I smiled politely, took his card and darted for my escape. 

When I returned home, I couldn’t shake this energy of disgust out of my mind. It was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. I had never before met someone that irked me with such intensity. Especially someone I had “randomly” just met. HA HA!  I laugh because there is nothing random about any of this. All I kept thinking was, there is no way I’m going over to that man’s house to sing on his record!

The next morning, as I was in my yoga practice, I couldn’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable I was feeling about that man. I suddenly heard the words, “Holy Spirit, knock my socks off!” I asked, “What does that mean?” I heard, “Give me your judgments. Give me your disgust. Give me all of it. I will show you what this is for.”

I decided right there and then that I would completely release every and all distorted ideas the ego was trying to convince me about this person. I’m gonna really go for it this time I thought. I’m gonna commit and trust in this Guidance. Holy Spirit? Knock my socks off!

Whenever I thought about this person, I was shown the most disgusting visions and grotesque images. The emotions that went along with all of it was bringing seeming memories — as if I was having flash backs to other lifetimes with this person. Talk about insanity! Super disturbing. Every time they arose, I went quiet and said, “Holy Spirit, I release this to you. You show me what this relationship is for.”

I only allowed my mind to entertain the ego’s perception just enough to flush up the emotional energy and then I would drop the story and sit in the intensity of those frequencies with the Holy Spirit until I felt peace return to my mind. In this process, I discovered a way to tune into my physical sense of self, utilizing my spine as a conductor for the energy to move up and out my head into the Light of Christ. Because I believed I was in a body, and still do at times, these emotions felt very real and were having a profound effect in my body. 

This process was a visual that enabled me to access these dense energy patterns of emotions that kept surfacing in my mind. Through this process, I noticed how much easier it was to trust in the Holy Spirit. Every moment of unease became a sign to tune in and release these patterns of thought. The visions were becoming less and less and I could feel this compassion flowering up within me. I kept hearing, “I will show you what this is for. You will be shown a clear sign.”

Three weeks had passed, and I was setting up to perform at the sushi restaurant, and that man was there, sitting at a table with some other people. I felt a tiny little knot in my stomach but nothing too overwhelming. As I walked by, I said hello and he responded with, “Hey, you never called me!” I smiled and continued walking toward the stage to set up. I could feel the Holy Spirit say, “I will show you what this is for.” So, I held steadfast to those words.

Well into my first set of performing, my partner walks in and began to strike up a conversation with this man. (Side note: I had not shared anything of what had unfolded within those three weeks with anyone, including my partner.) 

After the show, my partner said he had met this really cool guy tonight and enjoyed the conversation with him. I shared that that man had asked me to go to his studio and sing on his record. My partner then replied, “You should go and I’ll go with you and hang out!” Boom! There was my sign! I could feel the click! 

Needless to say, not only did the relationship with this man and my partner grow into a very special friendship, I, too, began a friendship with him and it has now blossomed into a mighty companionship. He visits me at the sushi place and, on my breaks; we sit together and share very deep and personal spiritual conversations. Many miracles have unfolded in our friendship since then.

If I had listened to the ego and had chosen to shut down and hold the disgust as “truth,” none of this love would have graced this earth plane. None of Truth and God energy would have been available to anyone!

From that point on, my faith in Holy Spirit has been at an all time high! This man was a goldmine for deepening my faith and drew me closer to experiencing God. I had to dig deep at that time. However, it was worth every moment! He has become a gift to both me and my partner.

Remember this: Every seeming upset or place of resistance in your mind is a big, fat golden opportunity to say, Holy Spirit, knock my socks off!!

P.S. I have been so inspired by the Holy Spirit in my life that I wrote and recorded a song entitled “You Knock My Sox Off!” by Ninette Terhart. You can find it on Spotify and YouTube.

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