Miracles News

May-August, 2024

Holy Vision Is 20/20 Vision

by Rev. Vicki Evans, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Continuing my 2024 journey, I am furthering my learning by taking Pathways of Light course 905: Special Relationships vs. Holy Relationships.

By taking this course, I have succeeded in prioritizing my goal of transforming specialness to holiness through meditation, daily practice, and looking for opportunities to give myself and others grace in the form of seeing all as One. I have experienced the truth that embracing this Oneness means that “everyone completes you.”

In this course was a meditation I experienced called, “From Specialness to Holiness Meditation.” I really connected with this meditation as I found some practical information such as the importance of letting go of thoughts of blame or anger, guilt and vulnerability. It has also helped me with perceived hurts from the past, which is a work in progress for me.

The first gift of this meditation was a vision that came to me when I went to Holy Spirit and felt the warmth of His Love. In the meditation, I saw red valentine-type hearts leaping forth from this holy union.

Then it came to me that I could practice trading in false ideas of perceived hurts and slights and look instead to find two positive traits in the relationship.

Sometimes even one positive idea brings me peace, as part of my self-grace is no pressure to set up a self-competition.

It became easier to focus on the positives by first visualizing all as one, the same, and together in innocence.

I saw a vision of each person then putting on a cloak of ego identity where each of us became unique. Cloaks of specialness of competition, hierarchy, worry, anxiety, guilt, and regret were worn, and I realized that my reactions to life may be driven by the cloak of identity I am wearing.

At the end of the day, each of us removed our individual cloaks of separateness and returned to sameness and Oneness, our true selves.

I thought that during the time of wearing the cloaks, each person was doing the best they could with their given cloak and this thought evoked Love, kindness, and empathy as I realized that even when cloaks of individuality are worn, the true self is still the same for each person — no separateness, no uniqueness.

Then I asked myself, “How can I put this vision into practice?”

Now, when thoughts of specialness or uniqueness pop into my conscious mind, I remember the cloak vision and remember that I do not want to judge or compete with others based on a false identity.

I go to Holy Spirit to remember that everyone completes me and then I work on making it a habit to lay down defenses and dismiss thoughts of competition or hierarchy with the result of not feeling like I need to verbalize competitive statements.

I feel so much more peace and joy by choosing to look at encounters and relationships through “happy eyes” as defined in Course 905.

I want to start each day by choosing to see experiences through happy eyes of Oneness. I get the gift of peace in now knowing that I can take a step back, listen to others, and look at their joy and blessings as an extension of myself in Oneness with each person.

Rev. Vicki Evans, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Dallas, Texas. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Phone: 713-775-9153

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