Miracles News

April-June, 2023

I Am Forever an Effect of God

by Rev. Myron, Jones, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Every morning as I do my lessons, I ask Jesus to give me clarity and then I write from that clarity. Here is the one I am doing today.

Lesson 326: I am forever an Effect of God.

1. “Father, I was created in Your Mind, a holy Thought that never left its home. I am forever Your Effect, and You forever and forever are my Cause. As You created me I have remained. Where You established me I still abide. And all Your attributes abide in me, because it is Your Will to have a Son so like his Cause that Cause and Its Effect are indistinguishable. Let me know that I am an Effect of God, and so I have the power to create like You. And as it is in Heaven, so on earth. Your plan I follow here, and at the end I know that You will gather Your effects into the tranquil Heaven of Your Love, where earth will vanish, and all separate thoughts unite in glory as the Son of God.

2. Let us today behold earth disappear, at first transformed, and then, forgiven, fade entirely into God’s holy Will.”

“As You created me I have remained. Where You established me I still abide.”

Wow! What an incredibly beautiful lesson! This is the absolute and only truth of what we are. We are forever an Effect of God. What God creates is always as He created it. This is how we know that our present experience is just that, an experience. These bodies are not what we are and this world is not where we are. We only dream of this.

We are like God in every way because He created us as an extension of Himself. Imagine that I were to draw a dot on a sheet of paper and then extend that dot into a line. The dot would be black ink and the line would also be black ink. It could never become red ink or yellow crayon. It is an extension of the dot, not the dot as something else. We are an extension of God and can never be something else.

Unlike the inked line, we can think of something else and imagine that we are different, but what we are remains safe and unaffected. We might wonder how it is that we could imagine something that appears so very real. The answer is that we have the power to create like God. How then, did it all become such a mess? And the answer is that we did not follow God’s plan, that is, we did not extend Love. However, we can change the plan now and choose love over fear. In so doing, we will bring the earth itself into alignment with Heaven.

We have been given a simple plan to accomplish our purpose, one that cannot fail. Recognizing that all things are images of thoughts, the solution is to choose loving thoughts every time. And when we choose less than loving thoughts, it is a simple matter to forgive that choice, let it go and choose again. Consistent practice creates a permanent change.

I am a Thought in the Mind of God, an Effect, and He is my Cause. I must be as God created me and where He created me because that is His Will. I gladly follow His plan because I long to return to that state. Words, no matter how beautiful, no matter the emotion they evoke, are not the same thing as the experience of it.
Even as I use the word experience, I realize that knowing I am in the Mind of God is not an experience, it simply is.

What I am having here is an experience. It’s been fun and awful and I am ready for the experience to end. Reading about my true nature and being reassured that I have not lost it are helpful. Hearing that the world will one day fade into God’s Holy Will is reassuring. These things are also motivating. I want this very much. Though my current goal is to reinforce and deepen what I have now, I look ahead to the next step as well and to the final step with a sense of awe.

Here is something I wrote about this lesson a couple of years ago.

What a wonderful and glorious prayer to begin my day! I am created in God’s Mind, a holy thought that has never left its home. Thank You, God. Thank You so much for creating me like You. Thank You for loving me. I gladly do the practices that will heal the error in my mind and return my full awareness to You.

When I did this lesson two years ago, the part that stood out to me was the line that said I would fade entirely into God’s holy Will. It was a little scary to think of because I worried about Myron disappearing. I know that there may still be some attachment to Myron but right now all I can find is the love I feel for God.

Holy Spirit, please help me with my practices today. I want to let go of all that is not God. I want to gladly and eagerly fade into the Will of God with no thought of preserving Myron who does not exist at all. I want to know, not think or understand, but really know, that I am God’s Son. I want to do my part to remove anything from the mind that blocks that awareness.

That prayer is being answered. Each day I find myself more willing to let go of the Myron persona, much less attached to it. Shoot, I even have trouble believing it exists now. It seems more and more like a mirage, no more tangible than smoke. Myron is only a collection of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and preferences; things I have been taught and decided to believe, bits of the past glued together and called a personality/mind/body.

I laugh and cry to think how dedicated I have been to preserve this bit of nothing, how much value I have placed in each of these silly beliefs. Then the sliver of my self that is reluctant to give up this sandbox of illusions, and thinks there is surely one more story worth exploring, tries to convince me of the reality of the body-self. I have a cold; see there is a body. So I sneeze, and cough, and blow my nose and laugh at the absurdity of it all, and marvel at the determination this self has to remain in its shadowy existence.

I let the body be. I let the body do what the body does. It cannot be me. I am indistinguishable from God. Can God have a cold? I will not be fooled by absurd appearances. I am untouched by what seems to be happening in the illusion. When I leave this quiet, happy moment and go to work I may forget the truth again, but my true desire is to awaken and so I will. Holy Spirit, I ask that You go before me and make clear my path. Continue to look with me at my thoughts and to show me what they really mean. Continue to heal my mind of all ego confusion. Thank You.

This morning, practically from the moment I woke up, I was thinking about being Awakened. I don’t know how that happens. I am preparing for the moment as I let go of the untrue thoughts in my mind. I forgive and forgive as often as it comes to me to do so. I practice the Course and allow my mind to be healed, accepting the Atonement as much as I can. Preparing to be awakened seems to be my part and so I do it.

But I have moments when I long to be awake and moments I long for God to be fully in my awareness, and to remember who I am. This morning was one of those times, especially when I read this lesson. “I am forever Your Effect, and You forever and forever are my Cause.” This sentence makes my heart sing! Something in me remembers this and so I long to know it again. And surely, I can and am meant to, because, as He created me I have remained. Where He established me I still abide. My heart cries out to know Him again.

And I had the thought to make this a day of knowing God and knowing who I am. I can’t make myself awaken, I don’t think, but I can spend today as if I was awakened. At least I can spend it in peace and joy. When the ego tries to establish itself in my mind once again, I can laugh at it. I can accept each thing that happens to me as perfect and if the ego objects and calls me a fool, and if I wonder if that could be right, I can ask to be shown the perfection of the moment.

So that is my plan today. I have a lot to do, but I am going to settle into today and treat it as if it is endless and there is no hurry to finish anything. And I am going to act as if every word in today’s lesson is true, not in some unseen future, but in this moment, as surely it must be since truth is eternal and so can never not be. If I become confused as I try on this idea, I will just ask how to see this moment as the Christ that I am.

Jesus, I will need your help today.

Rev. Myron Jones, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living at 2008 Guillory St. Westlake, LA 70669. Read her inspiring Healing Journal articles on the Pathways website. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Myron’s website is: http://www.forgivenessisthewayhome.org  Phone: 337-515-1042

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