Miracles News

May-August, 2024

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Sometimes written words or phrases jump out at us. For me it was the phrase, “when you are ready.” To be ready is to be willing. I am discovering choices I did not know I had, specifically the choice of getting rid of fear and guilt completely.

Pathways of Light courses have us say a preparation before studying the course material. It is, “I am willing to take responsibility for letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that reflect separation and specialness.” I’ve read these words many times and had questions about how to do this exactly. The purpose of this article is to give you three distinct ways to actually let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs. I am grateful for the help given to me from others who have shown me exactly how to do this. Jesus tells us this life is an illusion and fear and guilt do not exist. They were made up by me. These are the epitome of the limiting thoughts I need to let go.

In the past I threw away some books. One was A Course in Miracles; another was by Jan Frazier called When Fear Falls Away. Looking back, I can see I was not ready or willing to accept the ideas they contained. At that time, I was thinking of myself mostly as a victim, fearful, guilty and just wanting to escape from the miseries of life. What I did not understand at that time was that both books emphasized the ideas of willingness or readiness. There is a huge difference between wanting to escape the world or wanting a happier ego body experience and wanting to wake up and know your real Self.

I remember praying, thinking I was sincere in asking for relief and help. What I really wanted back then was a more spiritualized ego. I thought if I could make myself a better person, I would be happier. The idea that I could literally have all my fear and guilt taken away was not a choice for me. I did not ask for those things because I did not know I could ask. I thought anxiety and fear were just part of life, not an option.

Over a period, I’ve read enough books by people just like me who were able to let go of fear and guilt. They let go because they were finally willing or ready to do so. I said to myself if they can do these things then so can I. I am in the process of doing exactly that. How? First, when I have a fearful thought or attack thought , I stop and say, “I don’t want this thought anymore.” I use these exact words. I had to understand the goal was not a happier existence on earth. The goal was the recognition of my real Self. I also had to understand that what I was seeing with the body’s eyes was the direct result of my thoughts in the mind.

I have read books that talk about joy that does not go away despite outside circumstances in the world. It was the understanding that fear and guilt are choices I made, and can let go of, that made the difference. I was unaware I was choosing to be fearful and guilty. I was a prisoner of my own thinking. Also the Holy Spirit brought to my awareness that I have no control over the atonement. I have no choice; I will wake up no matter what. I cannot make myself into something I am not, such as an ego body. I can fantasize or deceive myself, but I am still as God created me. I chose to have amnesia about reality.

I choose how long I’m going to stay in this state of deception. Not whether I’m going to stay in it but how long. That’s the choice. The end is certain. I can deceive myself for as long as I want but the Holy Spirit will bring me back to the awareness of who I really am, when I am ready.

Jan Frazier in her book and other authors including Jesus, talk about witnessing. This is the second habit I am utilizing to let go of the limiting beliefs of fear and guilt. It is cultivating the idea of who am I, watching that this story is not the real me, not the body character I see going through daily activities.

I watch the body figure, but I do it from a distance. I detach as if I was watching a movie on TV. I can get engrossed in the story or movie, but I know it’s a movie, just a story. I am not the character in the movie. I am the one watching it.

The Holy Spirit’s Voice from this witnessing or watching mode is easier to hear. This is also the way to get above the battleground that Jesus talks about.  It is a battleground between my real mind and the fictitious limited self.

The third way to let go of limiting thoughts is to practice forgiveness. I still use the example in Gary Renard’s book, “The Disappearance of the Universe.” It is as follows:

“You’re not really there. If I think you are guilty or the cause of the problem, then the imagined guilt and fear must be in me. I made you up. Since the separation from God never occurred, I forgive both of us for what we haven’t really done. Now there is only innocence, and I join with the Holy Spirit in peace.”

The human brain thinks logically. If it does not agree with or understand something, it dismisses the information as invaluable. Gary Renard’s book and A Course in Miracles are saying the same truth. The introduction to the lessons says, “Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.” (W-in.9:1-5)

I say this because it is not easy to follow a script that does not seem logical to the brain. Do it anyway. You will begin to see and feel more peace as you are ready and willing to accept ideas your mind previously rejected.

The reason we sometimes reject ideas is because they frighten us. I think about the lion in the Wizard of Oz who desired courage. He faked it until he felt he had it. Courage feels better than fear. Believing that Jesus is really on our side, our constant companion like the Holy Spirit, has been helpful in gaining courage and comfort.

I accept and claim these promises.

Rev. Joyce Peebles, OMC is a Pathways of Light minister. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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