Miracles News

October-December, 2023

Mining for Gold

by Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

As a flight attendant, one thing that is so unique to my industry is that I’m always working with new people every week. Sometimes even day to day. I may fly with someone on a two day trip and then not see them again for another five years.

Meeting and working alongside so many different people on a regular basis, one thing has been made abundantly clear to me. People are mostly good, mostly loving. This may not always be so obvious at first, but given the chance, on the extension of the slightest invitation, this “goodness” quality will reveal itself.

There is a caveat though. Its revelation is dependent on one thing — a willingness to have an open mind to see with fresh eyes and drop assumptions. “And if you choose to see a world without an enemy, in which you are not helpless, the means to see it will be given you.(T-21.VII.9:4)

I know that in working with even some of the most difficult individuals, there is a commonality between us… and I will find it. But I have to want to find it. I have to decide first. “Change but your mind on what you want to see, and all the world must change accordingly.” (W-132.5:2)

We will find what we’re looking for. If love and connection is the predetermined expectation, that’s what we are sure to see.

There are times when I encounter those that make witnessing this love a little more obscure, a little more of a challenge. However, it is my belief that those that don’t appear to be all that loving, really do want to be. They’ve just been a little battered down. The world and its experiences have left them a little hardened, leaving them feeling betrayed and let down, exposed like a raw nerve. And so they put up walls to protect themselves, shutting out the very thing that will heal their wounded hearts — love, unity, connection.

Those that exhibit this armor and this callousness are just deploying their defense mechanism. It is an expression of their call for love. The defensiveness and that empty look behind their eyes is just an ego tactic, designed to keep their fear (and the separation) going.

But it is with Christ’s Vision that I can see past all of that — see past the hurt, to the heart of the matter — to their heart; to the beauty within.

An understanding arises within me and I know that they just haven’t found their own way yet, that thing that will crack them open, tear down their walls and allow them to see clearly again. They will find their unique message that will speak to them specifically, in a way they can understand and use in this world of form. They will have the experience that will show them the way to get in touch with their higher Self and reconnect them to the love of God within, which is what they are and have always been.

Rather than write these people off, I stay a while. I lean in. I stick around for the miracle. Like a miner with her pick, I chip away at the armor, one little loving stroke at a time. The airplane becomes Holy ground. Now are we flying high, “above the battleground,” where the investment in fear and separation is dismantled. “…He understands how your relationship is raised above the battleground, in it no more. This is your part; to realize that murder in any form is not your will. The overlooking of the battleground is now your purpose. 

Be lifted up, and from a higher place look down upon it. From there will your perspective be quite different.” (T-23.IV.4:5-7;5:1-2)

With tender loving care and open arms, I create the trust that makes it safe for them to reveal themselves — to expose their loving heart. And when I see the life come back into their eyes, the sparkle return, I know that God is there with us. I know the Love in them is perking up in remembrance, rising to the surface. I know God has done His work of uniting us as one.

Sometimes the gold isn’t in plain sight. Sometimes we’ve got to dig for it. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. There’s no greater fascinating and rewarding excavation than of letting Love reveal itself, nothing more beautiful, nothing more Holy, nothing more awe-inspiring.

I LOVE when God breaks down our walls; shows us another way; surprises us; reveals to us our commonalities that we were so sure did not exist.

We always think we know. We think we know so much. But in reality, there is a higher knowing, a much more intelligent one. I imagine God looking down from above and giving a little wink and a coy smile when this apparently tiny, yet momentous, thing happens.

I love His sense of humor. I LOVE when He proves me wrong and I love when He dispels my illusions, dismantling the house of cards with one effortless breath of Love. Poof!

Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Metuchen, New Jersey. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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