January-March, 2025
In this seeming world of chaos and uncertainty, we always seem to reach out to the Father, our Guides, the Angels, each other, seeking connection and support, especially when duality shadows our perceptions. Let us be reminded of the simple fact that God is with us wherever we go. “There is no time, no place, no state where God is absent. There is nothing to be feared.” (T-29.I.1:1-2)
Ego is always chattering, pulling us back. Illusions reign in such a shadowy landscape. How do we find our truth? Is there truth in some illusions? Dreams are dreams. But does it mean some dreams are kept, and others, wakened from? “The choice is not between which dreams to keep, but only if you want to live in dreams, or to awaken from them.” (T-29. IV.1:5)
Every day, every hour, every moment we are continually choosing. We rise each morning and think about our day, what it may look like. Our decisions are continuous. We don’t always know when we are making them. Being mindful of our thoughts and setting preoccupation aside with every step we take can help to put us in alignment with being instrumental in God’s plan, which brings joy, peace and harmony. Attributes we all strive for. However, I do remind myself, “I will make no decisions by myself.”
“And if you find resistance strong and dedication weak, you are not ready. Do not fight yourself.” (T-30.I.1:6-7)
As we lean in, let us hear the still small Voice of the Holy Spirit. As we set our own interpretation aside, we can take the opportunity to realize that it is in fact the ego’s chatter that is always changing. When we align with Holy Spirit, we see the only one meaning, “Reality is changeless. It is this that makes it real, and keeps it separate from all appearances. It must transcend all form to be itself. It cannot change.” (T-30.VIII.1:6-9)
Only Love is real. It never changes form. So in this world of appearances have we not continued taking steps towards a world best suited for ourselves? What lessons will we learn? “The lessons to be learned are only two. Each has its outcome in a different world.” (T-31.I.7:1-2)
We either are in a world of Love or a world of fear. We cannot be in both at the same time, so we are either in one or the other at any given moment. The world of terror and despair are but learnings, as are these lessons that can give us a better understanding of our blocks and barriers to the awareness of the Love of God and His presence in our own minds.
As we listen to the appeal for peace and joy, we take significant strides towards proof of what we learned and continue baring witness to, and its outcome. “Let us be still an instant, and forget all things we ever learned, all thoughts we had, and every preconception we hold of what things mean and what their purpose is. Let us remember not our own ideas of what the world is for. We do not know. Let every image held of everyone be loosened from our minds and be swept away.” (T-31.I.12:1-4)
Whatever road we choose to walk along, be assured we can go beyond what has been learned, and move towards what is yet to learn. How many more lessons do we need? We do know the way to Truth, we do know Reality, our paths well learned have confirmed our blocks and barriers to this truth. “The search for different pathways in the world is but the search for different forms of truth. And this would keep the truth from being reached.” (T-31.IV.6:4-5)
Happiness is never found by following a path away from truth, delayed, probably. So let’s be reminded we can collapse time seen in the miracle of changed perception. We remember His Love and embrace His Grace, as we know, there is no path that does not lead to Him. “When I said, ‘I am with you always,’ I meant it literally. I am not absent to anyone in any situation. Because I am always with you, you are the way, the truth and the life.” (T-7.III.1:7-9) All power is ours when we align with the Kingdom of God. It was created to be shared.
As we focus full attention on the Kingdom, we remain in Reality. May we allow God to continue our minds to be lit by His Light and be beacons of Light for our Brothers, for we are all The Light of the World. We are Love. As we release judgment and know we are all doing the best we can, we hold our Light up high and choose the highest path, allowing our Highest Source to guide our way. Let us remain gentle and kind with our self and others…one step at a time, knowing everything is in perfect continued growth.
We are Love, We are Joy, We are Peace.
And now we say “Amen.”
Rev. Gina Lucia is a Pathways of Light minister living in Bradenton, FL. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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