Miracles News

April-June, 2023

The River of Consciousness

by Rev. Peggy Rivera, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

There is a river that flows just beneath the conscious mind. It is a river of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Within this river lies the storage of the remembrance of all that we experience.

It contains our hidden pain which can often surface in times of duress. The instances in which we feel an inappropriate reaction to a situation is often the connection of remembrance of a long ago wound that has not been resolved.

With love, we can connect with the Source of all Love, the unconditional Love of our Creator.

We ask for Guidance to heal us from this wound, and in allowing ourselves to listen and truly see and understand ourselves we learn the true meaning of forgiveness. Forgiveness allows us to see not only our own pain but the pain of others. It reminds us that all pain comes from fear.

To have compassion for another, I believe, is perhaps one of the greatest gifts of our sojourn here — when we can listen to another person’s experiences and have empathy and compassion, no matter what.

We are asked to not judge them as right or wrong but just be present with them, letting them tell their stories so the pain eventually dissipates. That is part of loving unconditionally.

This is not to be taken lightly. Most of us have not reached the level in our spiritual development that excludes us from judging others. We may try to work on it, but as long as we have an ego, we still have to practice regularly.

Healing is in remembering Who we are. When we incarnated, we forgot that we are Love and in that, there is no judgment.

I recently read that, when we judge others, there is a message in that for us. The message tells us to look within and find that same trait we are judging.

I remember once, a friend of mine told me she was really angry because she had taken a workshop and the teacher said that when you think someone ELSE is crazy you must be a little crazy yourself. She was fuming.

I told her I saw what he was trying to get across to her but it didn’t land well. I did try to tell her in a way she could understand what I thought he meant, but she wasn’t having any of it. We can be so far removed from ourselves that we live in a state of denial. We want others to be blamed so we do not have to feel “guilt” ourselves.

What we see in our world comes from US! Our thoughts create what we fear or feel however you choose to understand that.

How many times have we looked at differences in those around us rather than our similarities? How often do we compare ourselves with others? We compare ourselves with others to either confirm we are either better or not as good as someone else. It is our own justification that what the ego believes is true. All our terror is confirmed!

This is why I am saying we are here to hear each other. We can comfort each other and put an end to guilt and shame, because in reality nothing outside of Love exists; what we see outside of Love is our own making and it is ours to heal.

As we continue to believe that the body (ego) is real and we exist in a real world, we continue the nightmare of sickness and death.

Giving love and understanding to each other in this dream is a service to our brother that helps healing take place. We disarm each other by reminding each other who we really are. We can find comfort in understanding each other. As spiritual beings it is a blessing to have that relationship with each other.

When we decided long ago that we had separated from God and feared his wrath, we created stories to confirm reasons for our own self-hatred. We often feel the need for the stories to justify what we perceive. As with my friend who was so insulted about being told she had to have a little craziness in herself to perceive it in someone else, we want to blame someone else. We do not want to feel that guilt. The truth was that she already felt she was a little unstable and went straight to defense mode.

That is the dance of ego. We feel attacked and go right into counter attack. The Course tells us, “The only place you can cancel out all reinforcement is in yourself. For you are always the first point of your attack, and if this has never been, it has no consequences.” (T-12.V.3:3-4)

The Holy Spirit’s Love is your strength, for yours is divided and therefore not real. So, as you relax and tune in to the river of consciousness, listen to the stories your mind is telling you. Are your stories full of pain, fear or sickness, or are you being guided by Love? That river can be a river of life for us when we choose to hear the call of God. In quietness, I listen to Holy Spirit for signs of progress in my development. I long to hear the sweet loving voice of my Creator, the Creator of All that is Love.

That is what we are needing to share. We have to exude that from our very core. In John 8:7 Jesus said in the Bible when a crowd was going to stone a woman for adultery, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” And Romans 3:23 says, “We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Jesus taught to accept each other with our flaws and not to judge each other.

When we talk of this, remember that we are not being judged for these thoughts either. This is part of our own journey. This is part of the remembering that we are not what we made here. We are what God created, which is pure Love. When we feel the need to judge someone or something else, these are little messages to us to look for the hidden wound we are carrying around within ourself.

“You will never realize the utter uselessness of attack except by recognizing that your attack on yourself has no effects. For others do react to attack if they perceive it, and if you are trying to attack them you will be unable to avoid interpreting this as reinforcement.” (T-12.V.3:1-2)

I affirm that the stories I hear are about the story of the Father and His son, of His pure Love for His own Creation — the sound of guidance to find a way back to living in a state of pure Love.

I hope you will join me in affirming that we choose to Love. I reach out my hand to you, my brother and share compassion, understanding and Love.

Rev. Peggy Rivera, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Palm Bay, Florida.  Email:Revpeggy52@gmail.com

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