January-March, 2025
“This day my mind is quiet, to receive the Thoughts You offer me.” (W-pI.291.2:1)
As they usually do, this lesson came at the perfect time. I soaked up every word as I drank my black coffee with my trusty journal nearby.
I love starting my day like this, in quiet solitude, before the sun comes up and the day kicks off. For me, it’s a time for self-reflection and pondering the previous day, the daily workbook lesson, and other spiritual texts. When I’m not able to spend mornings like this, I feel it all day.
Like you, some lessons resonate more than others. This was one such lesson, given the state of the world right now. Political upheaval, social divide, violence in schools, and other assorted atrocities, leave us feeling hollow, hopeless, and extremely powerless.
Remembering that we have the tools to make every day a day of stillness and peace, despite external events is comforting, though far from easy. It begins with self-awareness and compassion, for ourselves as well as others. Even those who are lashing out in violent ways, all of which are completely out of our control. All we can do is send Love, knowing that our divine energy is powerful enough to be received, even though it may not be welcomed. We do it anyway, for our spiritual well-being and because it’s in our nature to forgive and to LOVE.
Setting the tone each day is important and most effective when done in quiet settings with little distraction. Rituals that nourish our soul, like meditation, journaling, yoga or simply spending time with your pet, allow us to know and connect with our true Selves and make all the difference.
Honestly, my life wasn’t always like this. I spent years waking up, going straight to social media before the coffee was even brewed, to see how many likes my latest post got (or didn’t get), and checking in on others, either people I knew directly or indirectly. It took a good long while to process the fact that this habit was detrimental to my mental health and spiritual growth. It wasn’t setting a pleasant tone for the rest of my day. It was a hindrance, and left me feeling less than, grumpy and irritable most days, given the reality that social media is a false narrative.
It was only after I changed this toxic habit and left the fictional world of social media altogether that I could fully grasp the negative consequences it was having on my life. For you it may be something else, too much news, gossiping, spending more than you make, whatever it is, it’s up to us to change and enjoy the simple pleasures in life, those that don’t cost a thing, and take discipline to develop.
The good news is that Stillness and Peace are always available, by sitting in your car doing breath work before running errands, taking a walk on your lunch break before the meeting, or enjoying a cup of tea after loud family gatherings. You can’t put a price on peace and it’s always accessed through stillness.
Even when we fail miserably and experience days that are far from peaceful and lose our cool or respond to hate, we can ALWAYS choose again.
Many things will always be out of our control, politics, the weather, the actions of others, etc. but how we start and end each day is up to US and sets the tone for our day and whole life.
Rev. Holly Onorato, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Rahway, New Jersey. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Phone: 908-656-4433
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