Miracles News

January-March, 2025

Turning Blocks into Gifts

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.” (T-in.1:6-7)

We have many things in our lives that give us blocks. The world is an ego construct, to keep us from returning to who we really are… the Son of God. The ego will try everything to trigger us: fears, judgments, grievances, separation thoughts. They are all showing us where there is unconscious guilt in our minds that needs healing.

When we notice these blocks and give them to Holy Spirit for healing, they are dissolved and the light in our minds comes shining through, and the blocks become gifts.

The more we do this, the weaker the blocks become, and the Light of Love shines brighter in our mind. We will experience fewer upsets in our day as we consistently notice the blocks and give them to Holy Spirit.

For most of us, blocks don’t disappear completely all at once. We need to keep up the practice, and they will weaken and eventually the darkness disappears. As the blocks are healed, fears, judgments, worry, stress, separation and grievances dissolve, and the light of our true Self grows stronger. Our lives become more peaceful, happy and loving.  What a beautiful gift we are given.

And as we keep this practice up, the blocks will disappear and we will awaken to our true home in Heaven with all our brothers.
An experience: I had lunch at a buffet restaurant today. It was a beautiful day and they have outside seating for customers. I bought my lunch and went out and looked for a seat, but they were all taken. Then I noticed people sitting at tables, working on their computers, and not eating lunch. I felt annoyed they were taking up space meant for customers.

A few minutes later some seats became available and I got one. And a minute later a woman took a seat next to me, and then proceeded to eat her own lunch that she bought from somewhere else. As I ate my lunch, l felt so angry and judgmental. I wasn’t enjoying my food, I was caught in the ego’s inner policeman role. I wanted to tell her off but then I noticed where my mind was, snagged by the ego. So I paused, breathed deep, quieted my mind, and asked Holy Spirit to heal my judgmental thoughts. Soon I returned to peace… grievances and judgments disappeared. Now in my right mind I saw her differently. I had a lovely conversation with her and I made a new friend. What a beautiful gift; I was released from the inner policeman.

Another experience:

Last week I went swimming in a pool in the gym I belong to, and half the pool was sectioned off so that a swimming trainer could teach someone how to swim.

I like to use swimming as an opportunity to have quiet time, be present and I have a gentle swimming meditation. The swimming teacher was shouting loudly and it disturbed my peace. I wanted to tell him to shut up, I wasn’t enjoying swimming.

But I did something different, quieted my mind and tuned-in to Spirit. What came to me was “You are Awareness.”

In that Holy Instant I was no longer Dan. I was the observer of Dan. In that awareness I felt peaceful and happy, and Dan’s discomfort disappeared. What a wonderful gift from God. And I swam in peace.

Rev. Dan Strodl is a Pathways of Light Spiritual Counselor and publisher of Miracle Worker magazine in London, UK. His email is: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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