Miracles News

july - September, 2007

My teleconference Experience!

by Rev. Deborah Bolton

imageIt is true; circumstances continue to present themselves for further healing of my mind! When I trust that, I have had wonderful connections and experiences… Guess what! More comes! It is infinite, the power to grow and heal!
When I had a student approaching ordination, I felt a pull to join with her… however, the entire teleconference experience was not something I could fully embrace. I found myself finding many reasons to not include myself in the weekends it entailed. After all, Mother’s Day weekend (my favorite holiday), then again Memorial Day weekend? Six hours on the phone, two days in a row? The resistance was there, I felt it strong. How could this experience hold a candle to the Pathways/ Kiel experience?

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july - September, 2007

What Am I Listening To?

by Rev. Lee Catalano

imageThere is nobody out there. In the past few days I have had lots of company. A Course in Miracles students and just regular ole friends. This is what I learned.

Listening, if I am hearing someone using a parable of healing, meaning a great healing story of their life, I am not to listen to “them,” I am to listen to my mind.

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july - September, 2007

Spiritual Fitness

by Rev. Nancy Moore

imageThis morning I was trying to write something that I felt had a time line of NOW. It just wasn’t flowing; there were places that snagged. How about this, that, what will “they” think? I asked for feedback from a friend. Oh thanks a lot… More chatter.

I went outside to get centered with my Qigong practice. With thoughts still coming, a piece of heavy equipment starts up next door. Grrrr. It stops. Ah, peace. Then a chain saw. Oh, it’s only a chain saw now. This is less degree of noise?

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july - September, 2007

Reflections from a Recently Ordained Pathways Minister

Rev. Kathy Streng

imageOn a warm Saturday evening in April of 2006, something inspired me to ask my husband’s niece Carrie and her fiancé Dell, if I could perform their marriage ceremony in June 2007. They agreed. It was to be a simple outdoor June wedding, held in the beautiful garden of her Grandmother.

On the same night, an Internet search brought “to light” the means by which I could achieve this new goal. It was a Spiritual College and retreat center called “Pathways of Light” in Kiel Wisconsin. The web site itself offered a delicious smorgasbord of spiritual courses and programs of study, including opportunities to progress spiritually through correspondence facilitated by a Pathways of Light Minister.

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july - September, 2007

Choosing Miracles

by Rev. Colleen Mc Nally

image During this last week, I was experiencing some deep emotion that I identified as guilt and grief. As I experienced this I wondered how I could ever resolve this conflict. At the time it seemed that there was no resolution. I experienced a shift when I realized that I can choose peace.

It really struck me when I read the words, “We can seek the peace of God.” (POL Course 901, p.37) It was like a bolt of lightning hit me. Of course, “I can choose peace.” I have come more and more to realize the importance of what I choose in my work as a Miracles Practitioner. Jesus tells me, “As you decide so will you see.” T-12.VII 11:8

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july - September, 2007

I Rest In God

Rev. Sharyn Zenz

imageI recently gave myself the gift of going to a Holy Spirit weekend at Pathways of Light. It was truly a wonderful experience and very peaceful. I really felt my Oneness with Holy Spirit and with all who attended. My true purpose in life, which is to help others heal, became very clear to me during that weekend. The following is what came to me as we quieted our mind and listened.

I rest in God means peace has at last come to this quiet mind.

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july - September, 2007

Helping Hands

Rev. Christine Anderson

Helping Hands are reaching out to you now.
Helping hands that offer Love so true.

Will you reach back and hold the hands of true Love? 
It is here… waiting just for you.

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july - September, 2007

Cleaning Up

Rev. Georgeann Medved

imageSpring and early summer are a beautiful time of renewal. A time when nature itself discards its drab for riots of color and produces a dazzling display of freshness and beauty. Seeing this transformation in nature encourages me to clean up, fix up, paint up my own surroundings.

Rummaging through the gross accumulation of my past I begin to discard all those things that seem to clutter my living space. This seems to be an attempt to bring some order to my surroundings and get rid of what’s unnecessary and cumbersome.

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April-June, 2007

Wake Up and Go Home

by Gary R. Renard

imageQuestion:  There can be no true enlightenment without undoing the ego. Forgiveness is the means by which ACIM teaches that we ‘undo the ego,’ so can you tell us what your teachers say about forgiveness?

Gary: First of all on a cosmic level the ego is simply the idea that we have an individual identity that has separated itself from its Source. That idea is the ‘false collective’ us. There is just one ego appearing as many.

Forgiveness as taught by the great Masters like Jesus, undoes the ego. It accomplishes that by bringing people to a position of cause rather than effect. The traditional kind of forgiveness which the world practices keeps the separation intact by seeing others as having really done something. That idea is like the old Newtonian physics where you have a subject and object that are separate from each other.

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April-June, 2007

What Does Giving Our Day to Holy Spirit Mean?

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

imageThis world is not made by our Source, which is undivided Love. Separation is not where Love’s oneness would have us be. In fact, undivided Love knows that we are not really separate bodies and that we are only dreaming a dream of having separate lives that fluctuate and change. The Love we truly are knows that we never really left our real Home in Heaven.

In Text, Chapter 25 we are told, “The Christ in you inhabits not a body. Yet He is in you. And thus it must be that you are not within a body. What is within you cannot be outside. And it is certain that you cannot be apart from what is at the very center of your life.” T-25.Intro.1:1-5

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April-June, 2007

Sacred Healing

by Revs. Paul and Deborah Phelps

imageAs we say in our workshop presentations, it seems that our assignment from Holy Spirit has been in the area of healing relationships. We do not say this tongue-in-cheek because both of us have gone through many experiences of having to work on our relationship with ourselves, each other, family, friends, co-workers, and with God. This is an ongoing process that will continue for the rest of our lives.

We have learned many ways of how not to handle relationships. For many years, we both made the mistake of listening to the guidance of our egos and did things our way. Unfortunately, this led us down many painful paths. It was not until we both came to a place of hitting our own personal rock bottoms that we began to seek help from a Source greater than ourselves.

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April-June, 2007

Guilt and Projection

by Nouk Sanchez

imageWith one ‘tiny mad idea,’ we brought our wish to fruition. Oneness became ‘otherness’ and the one became ‘individuals,’ all complete with the ego’s self seeking goals. Time, matter and space were born and for the first time we got to experience ‘relating.’ In the pre-separated state of oneness, there was no comprehension of anything outside this oneness. All was one and we were all. There was no need to relate to anything. In the separated state that we’re now dreaming, everything and everyone appears to be apart and outside us.

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April-June, 2007

I Am Sustained by the Love of God

Revs. Sue Borg and Frank Arnold

imageRev. Sue Borg —We will be giving a weekend workshop at Pathways of Light August 4-5 that will be based on Lesson 50 in the Workbook: I am Sustained by the Love of God. This lesson begins with — “Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time. In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, ‘protective’ clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the ‘right’ people and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers.” How many “gods” or “idols” do you place before God? 

I discovered that I even placed the bathroom before God. My first thought every morning used to be, “I have to get up and go to the bathroom.” When I realized I thought about using the bathroom before I even had a notion of thinking about God, I changed that waking thought and now upon waking I think and even say out loud,  “Good Morning, God. Here I am wanting to know where to go, what to say and to whom.” A much nicer morning greeting!

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April-June, 2007

God’s Will for Me

Rev. Donna Marie Cary

imageHis name is Will, or I like to call him ‘God’s Will For Me.’ He was twelve years old and the ‘bully’ of our otherwise quiet, white picket fence neighborhood; a smart mouthed punk, a criminal, who seemed to enjoy hurting the other children. The last straw was when he shot a young girl in the mouth with a BB gun. The neighbors, in an uproar and full of fear, started a petition in hopes that the courts would remove this family from our community.

I, being a student of ACIM, was determined to see this differently.

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April-June, 2007

Raising Children with ACIM

by Rev. Myron Jones

imageThe following is an excerpt from Myron’s pending book about applying the principles of A Course in Miracles to parenting. She has been studying A Course in Miracles for 25 years and has had extensive experience applying Course principles in parenting her children. Her children have encouraged her to write a book so that others can benefit as they have. Myron will also be facilitating a workshop on enlightened parenting September 15-16 at Pathways of Light.

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