Miracles News

July-September, 2015

A Chicken Body or a Human Body, It’s All the Same Oneness!

by Rev. Andrea Sassa Archuleta, O.M.C.

Rev. Andrea Sassa ArchuletaLesson 94
I am as God created me.

Today we continue with the one idea which brings complete salvation; the one statement which makes all forms of temptation powerless; the one thought which renders the ego silent and entirely undone. (W-pI.94.1:1)
You are as God created you.

The sounds of this world are still, the sights of this world disappear, and all the thoughts that this world ever held are wiped away forever by this one idea. Here is salvation accomplished. Here is sanity restored. (W-pI.94.1:3-4)

If you have been following my writings in Miracles News, you know I live in the foothills of Santa Fe, New Mexico. My husband and I tend a small farm which includes five beautiful chickens. In mid-May, one of our chickens suddenly became ill and within a day her body stopped functioning and died. We were quite sad, having grown very fond of all of the “girls” and their cackling. We were also very confused by her sudden death and concerned about the rest of the flock.

For two days I diligently watched the flock for any signs of illness. I read frantically on the Internet about chicken health and diseases. I fed the girls raw garlic and cayenne pepper (chickens don’t have taste buds for hot spices, who knew!) and organic yogurt with all those lively active cultures, to fortify their immune systems and drive out whatever might be in them. From what I read it could have been anything — bacterial, viral, airborne, mites, worms, parasites — all of which scared the heck out of me! 

Then, to my horror, a second chicken showed signs of illness. I swept her off to the vet only to hear she would likely be dead in a day, just like her sister, suddenly. There wasn’t a distinct diagnosis; I was told the only way to know what happened was a necropsy, which the state agricultural office would do for a nominal fee. The vet and I had the euthanasia discussion and then she left the room.

For some months now I have been in prayer about what it does and does not mean to be a body. Lesson 91 in the Workbook for Students from A Course in Miracles tells me I am not a weak, helpless, limited, doubtful, dark illusion. Rather, I am strong, powerful, unlimited, certain, real, and living in light. In other words, in truth, I am not a body but instead, I am as God created me.

Sitting alone with my Sweet Chicken at the vet’s office and seeing her very weak and listless body, I reminded myself to return to Peace. I reminded myself that no loss was occurring, no drama was happening, that God was all there is, always. I surrendered to the greater will of whatever was happening. Then, Sweet Chicken picked her head up, opened her droopy eyes, and looked directly at me, wide awake. Having surrendered to Peace, I knew to just breath and be with her — to sense and listen beyond her form as a bird and mine as a human, and just Be with Us as One in the unfolding moment. 

With our eyes fixed softly on one another I received awareness and insight, what A Course in Miracles calls “knowledge,” that the choice before me was not one of life or death but only whether I would choose to see Sweet Chicken as a limited body or as formless eternal love and One with me. Wow, what freedom and absolute relief! I didn’t need to choose euthanasia or enduring her death at home. All I needed to do was know that if her form as a bird died or lived, either way it was OK because Sweet Chicken would always be, in truth, as God created her.

My husband arrived at the vet’s office and made the decision to take Sweet Chicken home and let her body pass on with just us. I continued being amazed by the unfolding miracle and my lightheartedness. I was at Peace, knowing anything could happen.

Awaking the next morning, my first thought was of Sweet Chicken. I found her standing up and drinking small amounts of water, much more alert. Day by day she grew stronger. I’ll cut to the chase and tell you Sweet Chicken has a new name, it’s Chicken Miracle. We gave the name Chicken Sweet to our girl who did relinquish her form as a bird. Chicken Miracle and our flock are all well, heartily clucking away and eating anything in sight. This is wonderful to see and live in. I am so grateful for the Peace and miracle teachings I received during a time that could have instead been filled with worry and panic. I am so grateful for Chicken Miracle and most of all that I am as God created me.

Reverend Andrea Sassa Archuleta is a Pathways of Light Ordained Minister living in Santa Fe New Mexico. Find Rev. Andrea at Awakening JOY Ministries, LLC at http://www.spiritualcounseling.us and by emailing her at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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